dnes jsem si prohlížel stránky http://www.moddb.com a na co sem nenarazil. Za krátkou chvíli by měl vyjít update DeathRun módu http://www.moddb.com...s-death-run-mod , nové chalenge, více ranků atd... Takže bych tím jen chtěl upozornit adminy že by tímto mohli splnit přání hráčů a co nejdříe mód updatovat na vašich serverech.
Citace ze stránek:
As some of You might knew (or maybe not), Death Run 1.2 is due to be released in three weeks, and I would like You to come and try Death Run 1.2 before it's out.
#AfterLife is hosting test server on Call of Duty 4 v1.7 and everybody could join at any time, we appericate every person to join the server and leave your opinion about the mod.
Some of the most noticeable and important changes in version 1.2:
- Working time record (so far on 48 maps) *NEW*
- New characters
- Challenges *NEW*
- Abilities *NEW*
- More weapons
- Player cards *NEW*
- Secure access to Administration Control Panel
- Hats *NEW*
- Redesigned hud and new compass
- Total of 30 ranks
- Prestiges *NEW*
I'm glad so many people play Death Run 1.1, and up to this day 68 public servers are running Death Run Mod, which shows really big success of the mod on CoD4 scene.
S pozdravem hráč Armin.