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Guest Message by DevFuse

Truba unnecessary ban

3 odpovědí na toto téma



  • Člen
  • 2 Příspěvků:
So, here's what i copied from your banlist as the reason i was banned. And I don't understand how can you interpret picek as an insult (ie who programed that into a curse word list)? Picek (in croatian) is a small chicken. A name "out of affection/kindness", not an insult. LOL

So, if it's not too much trouble, I'd ask for an unban please. Thanks in advance. And if picek isn't a curse word in czech or slovakian, or any of the slav languages, maybe remove it from the list. :)

16354 Truba 01100001c1a2374e TempBan 01.05.2011 - 13:02 ( B3 #70 ) 01.05.2011 - 13:32 12 mins 05 secs Rule #8: Zadne urazky, nadavky apod !!! (WARN 6h) naso te ko iz picek => naso te ko iz picek



  • V.I.P Člen
  • 11 Příspěvků:
Hi,you got ban 6h becouse you said:"lol, cheatin ass"= ass=magarac(croatian).I know, maybe you think it's harsh, but rules are the same for all. After 6 hours join... and no profanity ;)



  • Topic Starter
  • Člen
  • 2 Příspěvků:

Zobrazit příspěvekpol777 dne 1.05.2011 - 12:56 napsal:

Hi,you got ban 6h becouse you said:"lol, cheatin ass"= ass=magarac(croatian).I know, maybe you think it's harsh, but rules are the same for all. After 6 hours join... and no profanity ;)

hm... sorry, forgot about that and the banlist said the reason i stated in the first post as the reason for temp ban. i apologize for profanity, sometimes it's just too hard to keep it cool when spectating a killcam where the guy on the other side obviously hacks. i'll certainly try... see you and thanks.



  • V.I.P Člen
  • Others: Člen
  • 1025 Příspěvků:
  • HLSW:Marsal_Konev
  • LocationPardubice
OK :ThanxSmiley:


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