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Guest Message by DevFuse

Dramatická písnička



Ano toto JE dramatická pÍsnička, ale jen do tÉ doby, do kterÉ neznáte text. A proto pro ty kteřÍ neumÍ anglicky (pro ty je vlastně toto video určenÉ) vám zde přiložÍm text a postupně si ho překládejte. Tak co ? Pořád je to dramatickÉ ?

text:This song sounds dramatic
but I'm bad at writing words.
If you don't speak English,
this probably sounds pretty good.

You'd probably think I'm singing
bout some pretty serious stuff.
But in reality, I'm singing about
the lack of stuff i'm singing about.

This part's intense.
And emotional.
As long as you don't understand it.

Your foreign grandma
would love this song.

Please send it to her,
and she'll probably tell her
foreign friends about the song her
grandson or daughter sent her today.

This song might hit the charts in her country
if parts sounded like Coldplay.

If the chorus sounds like Coldplay.

Then I put some 'La-La-La's in there.
La la la la la,
la la la la la la la (Coldplay)

Hopefully your foreign grandma
listens to this song everyday.
And if she asks you to
translate the lyrics, here's what you say:

"A perfect translation does not exist.
Well, at least, not in your language.
But if you must know, well, picture this:
Fifty billion rainbows,
and the sun is setting,
and the moon is setting, also,
and you're there in a gazebo.
And then God descends from heaven
and He gives you a million dollars.
Take that feeling,
and put it into a song.
I could translate word by word,
but that'd take too long.
And I've got stuff to do grandma.
I don't have time for this.
You've gotta trust me grandma,
this freakin' song is brilliant."


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