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Vítejte na For Gamers Fusion

Vítejte na For Gamers Fusion, stejně jako většina on-line komunit, se musíte zaregistrovat pro přispívání nových témat, ale nebojte se je to jednoduchý proces, který vyžaduje od Vás minimální informace. Využijte okamžitě, Registrovat nebo Přihlásit.
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Guest Message by DevFuse

A couple of questions

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1 odpověď na toto téma



  • Sponzor Bronz
  • 7 Příspěvků:
Hello guys,
apologies for typing in English but I don't speak Czech and google translate is not giving anything that makes sense. I hope I'll find someone here to answer a couple of questions in English.

My friends and I are interested in donating money to gain VIP / sponsor status to unlock weapons faster and we're wondering how much is the minimum amount required and on which basis, is it monthly or yearly?
Also, we saw that you opened up a new section, clans, in the client application menu. Any chance we can register ourselves there?
New clothing kits, is that also donor only or we can earn it somehow too ?

That's all for now, thank you for your time, see ya on 52/54 ;)



  • Founder
  • Others: ARK: Survival Evolved
  • 3638 Příspěvků:
Hi about sponsor is aprox 4-5EUR/100CZK per month in our client you have two options how to send money first is paypal and second is bank transfer with all info
about creating clans its easy but for option to create clan ou must be sponsor or higher group

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