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Guest Message by DevFuse

Dramatická písnička - Zábavné

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Ice Golem

    Private 1st Class

  • Člen
  • 53 Příspěvků:
  • HLSW:Assassin
  • LocationČechy,Královéhradecký kraj
Name: Dramatická písnička
Category: Zábavné
Date Added: 22.05.2012 - 15:55
Submitter: Assassin
Short Description: None Provided

Full Description:<p style="text-align: center">PŘEČTĚTE SI AŽ PO SHLÉDNUTÍ!!!</p>
<br />
<p style="text-align: center">Ano toto JE dramatická pÍsnička, ale jen do tÉ doby, do kterÉ neznáte text. A proto pro ty kteřÍ neumÍ anglicky (pro ty je vlastně toto video určenÉ) vám zde přiložÍm text a postupně si ho překládejte. Tak co ? Pořád je to dramatickÉ ?</p>
<br />
<p style="text-align: center">text:This song sounds dramatic<br />
but I'm bad at writing words.<br />
If you don't speak English,<br />
this probably sounds pretty good.<br />
<br />
You'd probably think I'm singing<br />
bout some pretty serious stuff.<br />
But in reality, I'm singing about<br />
the lack of stuff i'm singing about.<br />
<br />
This part's intense.<br />
And emotional.<br />
As long as you don't understand it.<br />
<br />
Your foreign grandma<br />
would love this song.<br />
<br />
Please send it to her,<br />
and she'll probably tell her<br />
foreign friends about the song her<br />
grandson or daughter sent her today.<br />
<br />
This song might hit the charts in her country<br />
if parts sounded like Coldplay.<br />
<br />
If the chorus sounds like Coldplay.<br />
<br />
Then I put some 'La-La-La's in there.<br />
La la la la la,<br />
la la la la la la la (Coldplay)<br />
<br />
Hopefully your foreign grandma<br />
listens to this song everyday.<br />
And if she asks you to<br />
translate the lyrics, here's what you say:<br />
<br />
"A perfect translation does not exist.<br />
Well, at least, not in your language.<br />
But if you must know, well, picture this:<br />
Fifty billion rainbows,<br />
and the sun is setting,<br />
and the moon is setting, also,<br />
and you're there in a gazebo.<br />
And then God descends from heaven<br />
and He gives you a million dollars.<br />
Take that feeling,<br />
and put it into a song.<br />
I could translate word by word,<br />
but that'd take too long.<br />
And I've got stuff to do grandma.<br />
I don't have time for this.<br />
You've gotta trust me grandma,<br />
this freakin' song is brilliant."<br />
<br />
<br />
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='^_^' /></p>

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